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    How to purchase passes

    Purchase at a Kiosk

    Purchasing a Pass at a Kiosk: Four (4) options are available at the kiosk using a credit card (Visa and MasterCard).

      One way Pass

      Daily Pass

      Monthly Membership

      Telsim/Vodafone Freedom Pass

    For each check out at a kiosk, a 5-digit ride code will be printed to unlock the bike after the credit card is inserted at the kiosk. Take the code to any dock with an available bike to unlock and ride.

    Mobile Purchase / CycleFinder App

    Purchasing a Pass through mobile application: Six (6) options are available using a credit card (Visa and MasterCard).  

      One way Pass

      Daily Pass

      Monthly Membership

      Yearly Membership 

      Yearly Membership with Insurance 

      Telsim/Vodafone Freedom Pass

    Membership purchases through the Cycle Finder app will generate a Velespeed Pass which will also be e-mailed to you. Once you have logged in through the app, the app will provide you the option* to generate 5-digit ride code that will allow the member to bypass the kiosk. Use this 5-digit code to unlock the bike.

    *Get Ride Code:Tap ‘Get Ride Code’ in the Cycle Finder app will generate a 5-digit ride code on your phone, free of charge. Walk to any bike at your chosen station, enter the code on the left-hand side of the bike’s dock to unlock and RIDE. (Code must be entered within 5 minutes of issuance).

    Online / Web Membership

    Purchasing a Pass through the web page: at present only two options are available using a credit card (Visa and MasterCard) - Monthly and Yearly Membership 

    Monthly and Yearly Membership purchases through the will receive a profile information by e-mail, which was provided during the sign up. Until you receive your membership card, you will need to go to a Velespeed Station with a kiosk or use Cycle Finder App to get a 5-digit ride code to unlock your bike. You can login to CycleFinder with your e-mail address and password you created.

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    How to sign up from the website

    You can sign up for Yearly and Monthly membership through the website. Please see the Yearly Membership for more details.

    Your membership card will be ready within 2 work days after your membership purchase has completed. You must come to the Velespeed office to receive your membership card or key.
    If you want to cycle now, please download the CycleFinder app and enter the username and password you have created on our website. Once logged in, obtain your 5-digit driving code via CycleFinder and start riding a Velespeed . The ride code you have received must be entered within 5 minutes.

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    How old do you have to be to ride?

    You have to be 16 years or older to ride Velespeed.

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    Activate your membership card

    When you receive a new bike membership card, you must activate it before you can start using it. Log into your account online and click the link to activate your bike membership card. You’ll need the ID code on your bike membership card, which can be found right below the barcode.

    If you have any trouble activating your membership card, chat with a live representative or fill out this form and a member of our customer service team will assist you with activating your membership card.

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    How to sign up from Cyclefinder, Velespeed mobile app

    To purchase a membership or pass through Cyclefinder, Velespeed mobile app, follow these steps:

    Download the app from Google Play or App Store

    Click Get a Pass
    Select the pass or membership you want to purchase
    Once you've purchased your pass, go to the Velespeed station you'd like to use and tap on the station icon in the map
    Select "Unlock a bike" and a 5-digit ride code will appear on the screen
    Type the 5-digit ride code in 5 minutes into any dock with an available bike to unlock the bike 
    When the light on the dock turns green, lift the bike by the seat to remove it from the dock
    Enjoy your ride!
    To end a ride, return your bike to any station with an empty dock. Insert your bike firmly into the dock, and wait for the green light to make sure it's locked.
    To ride again, just request another ride code by tapping "Unlock a bike" again. You can ride as many times as you want while your pass is active.

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    Get your membership card (or use the mobile app!)

    For yearly and monthly memberships, you do not have to pay a fee for your first membership card. You can get your membership card from the Velespeed office.

    If you haven't received your membership card yet, please fill out this form and a member of our customer service team will reach out to you.

    Alternatively, you can use Cyclefinder to unlock bicycles. To get a ride code using the app, follow these simple steps:

    Go to the Velespeed station you'd like to use and tap the station icon in the map

    Pick out your bike at the station

    Select "Unlock a bike" and a 5-digit ride code will appear on the screen

    Type the 5-digit ride code into any dock with an available bike within 5 minutes to unlock your bike

    When the light on the dock turns green, lift the bike by the seat to unlock it

    Enjoy your ride!

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